Thursday, August 30, 2007

BNU Public Service in living colour

The loneliest teapot
More teapots than a sale at briscoes
Dont run away from it Emu!!
Called into action 12 times this season, he failed to answer the call each and every time.
I know he played for us. He must! He has a uniform! But his name escapes me.
Side-on teapot

Best caption for this one wins a prize.

Division 13 Champions 2007


Unknown said...

What are the players thinking...
Nick - I can get to that, a chance of a 2nd goal
Dan - Ahhh stuff it, that's too far away
Jarrod - damn why did I sub off, there was another goal for me
Mortgage - I can't believe we lost control of the ball
AJ - I can't wait for the cricket season again

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